Friday 20 July 2012

Jesus was rich Hmm?

Prosperity Preachers are always quick to say that Jesus was rich. This they claim is evidenced by his having an accountant "Judas Iscariot".

But remember he gave up the kingdom of heaven to live poor on earth. He was born in a stable/manger with animals & what of the quote of a camel through a needle's eye?

The only time Jesus appears to have really become upset was with the money changers. Usury was deemed immoral and illegal, now it has become a primary part of business.

He didn't even have funds for tax on him (i.e. his pockets were empty) He had to tell Peter to go get money from the fishes mouth. Mathew 17: 24-27. 

And let us all watch out, who betrayed Christ? "The Accountant". For what; "for 30 pieces of silver". Let us all take heed and watch our ways so we do not miss heaven In Jesus Name; Amen. 

"One does not acquire wealth accidentally, unless it is gotten through inheritance etc, it must be sought after." - Someone said on a YouTube comment. 

Matthew 6: 24; You cannot serve God and Money at the same time. Put God first; money is necessary but put God first. 

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