Monday 14 January 2013


Where shall I begin?
I first saw you when only ocean liners came to you.
Grandpa carried me from the vessel Aureol in Apapa.
She brought Daddy, Mummy and me from Blighty.

The rustic amber of your nectar sweetened my formative days.
I grew up in your embrace when I didn’t know it.
You, great Lagos tutored me like no other Teacher.
I was smitten by your extremes, yet I hurt badly.

I walked on the red sands of your hands.
The aromas and smells that came from your care called me “Son”.
Pain showed its face to me first within you. The stabs I can still feel.
And I hated you for so long. I left you. I ran away. I….

Years have passed and so have Mummy and Daddy.
And then, you awoke the you in me…again.
I heard those words once more, “Eko o ni baje”.
Ah, the winds of change blew through my soul like lighting.

A monsoon raged within me as you whispered the words.
From your hinterlands to your marinas,
You breathe in and out the essence of life and love.
Only you Lagos can serenade in your beautiful chaos.

I held you with old eyes and a fractured heart.
You still remain the same all these years.
My long hiatus has taught me to see you anew again.
The funk you carry. The freedom you give. The doors you open.

You are mine and I am yours.
“Lagos na wa I swear”, they used to say.
Here I am Lagos. You are Lagos.
My Lagos

By: Zari Alexxanderr-Caine
Caine Oni 2012
LaniGiro Scribes

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